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Russian Ark

(Russkij kovcheg )


Sergey Dreiden, Maria Kuznetsova, Leonid Mozgovoy, Mikhail Piotrovsky,

Sokoruv’s Russian Ark has been described as an oddity and a miracle—consisting as it does of one continuous, unbroken take through St. Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum, populated by 2,000 actors and extras, and guided by a French nobleman and an unseen contemporary artist (Sokurov provides the voice). Sokoruv imagined a shot “in a single breath”—and the result is indeed a breathtaking pageant revealing the splendor of Imperial Russian history and culture, including wonderful, imagined scenes with Peter and Catherine the Great and Tsars Nicholas I and II, and brief glimpses into Soviet times.

  • Anatoly Nikiforov
  • Alexander Sokurov
  • Tilman Buttner
  • Russian
  • with English subtitles
Print Info
  • Color
  • DCP
  • 96 mins
  • Kino Lorber

CineFiles is an online database of BAMPFA's extensive collection of documentation covering world cinema, past and present.

View Russian Ark documents  

Russian ark (program note), Film Society of Lincoln Center, 2003

Ark de Triomphe (review), East Bay Express, Jean Oppenheimer, 2003

Russian ark (review), Reader (Chicago, Ill.), Jonathan Rosenbaum, 2003

Depicting history, and making it too (article), Los Angeles Times, Alina Tugend, 2003

Russkij kovceg (program note), Festival internazionale cinema giovani, 2003

Russki kovcheg - Russian ark (program note), Toronto International Film Festival, Dimitri Eipides, 2002

Russian ark (program note), Cannes Film Festival, 2002

Russian ark (distributor materials), Hermitage Bridge Studio, Mikhail Piotrovsky, 2002

Russian ark (review), Variety, Deborah Young, 2002

Space odysseys (review), Village Voice, J. Hoberman, 2002

Displaying 10 of 12 publicly available documents.

View all Russian Ark documentation on CineFiles.